Saturn’s Return

17 Apr

Well hey there everybody! How in the screaming hell are you and how have you been? My last post here was 7 years ago.

Seven. Freaking. Years.

I’ve been going through and approving comments, checking old posts, laughing at how seriously some people took them… I really missed my blog!

So what have *I* been up to?

Well I’m glad you asked. I ditched Texas and moved to Colorado Springs! And to top it off, I’m now the Reverend of a Cannabis Church. Yeah, my life just got a LOT more interesting.

I do stand up a couple times a week.

I frequent cannabis clubs a lot.

Life is pretty grande.

So what’s up now? What’s the quandry? Why do we *need* DUNDERBRAIN?

Nobody needs DUNDERBRAIN. Nobody except for me at least. Basically everything I continued from this blog on is gone. But, this was my original home so to here I have return.

Now I tap away on my phone a new era of DUNDERBRAIN. Here, it continues….

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